Friday, January 26, 2007

January 25, 2007

Saw a Turkey Vulture in Fairhaven on the way to work. Doreen at work saw a Kestrel and a patron saw a Screech Owl.

Monday, January 22, 2007

January 22, 2007

Long Road -- town guys dredging the canals

Tree Sparrows, Downy, Song, Swamp, GC Kinglets, Red-tailed Hawk

Sunday, January 21, 2007

January 21, 2007

Nasketucket Bird Club Walk
Mike LaBossiere, Kay Langevin, and me
Pictures are here
The trip started this morning at 7:30 a.m. and our first stop was at Head of the Bay in Bourne and several Common Snipe were seen. We then made our way to the Railroad Bridge and then Scusett Beach. At the Fish Pier we were delighted to see approx. 8 Blue Birds at fairly close range. We then proceeded to the Parking area and found a large flock of Horned Larks. The canal was fairly quiet but we did get Purple Sandpiper, Common Eider, Great Cormorant, Common Loon, Surf Scoter, a dead White-winged Scoter, GREAT looks a Northern Harrier male, and an Accipiter species, likely Sharp shinned. We also had a visit by a rather large Grey Seal. Leaving Scusett we had a large 50+ flock of American Tree Sparrows. A quick look at the Herring Pond yielded Common Mergansers and Ringed Neck Ducks and a possible Red- throated Loon. Rounding out the day at the conservation area in Wareham we found a Pied- billed Grebe, Hooded Mergansers and American Wigeon.

Friday, January 19, 2007

January 19

Went at lunch time to Long Road. Saw a lot of healthy colorful House Finches, a flock of Tree Sparrows, and some Robins and Starlings arguing over a berry tree. Also saw a Red-tailed Hawk. Mallards were hiding in a huge puddle in the woods. Flickers and Downies.

Monday, January 15, 2007

January 15 - MLK

drizzly, 40s

Bike path from Stop and Shop to Weeden Road.
TONS of birds, the usual ones.

After lunch went to Long Road -- again, tons of birds, mostly Tree Sparrow, goldies, Downies, Flickers and some Creepers. Lots of Carolina Wrens. All making lots of noise. Had a great time till my boot got stuck in the mud and I fell on my face. No damage.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

January 14

Long Road -- Mallards, Chickadees, Savannah Sparrows, Goldfinch
Mill Road -- Mallards, Savannahs, Tree Sparrows, Blue Jays

Jan 4, 5, or 8

Long Road
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker male

January 7

Shipyard Farm
sunny 50s
Red-winged Blackbirds, very yellow Savannah Sparrows, small Cooper's Hawk, Song, White-throated, Swamp Sparrows, Mourning Doves, Chickdees and titmice, Carolina Wrens, Cardinals, Catbirds, Tree Sparrows.
Also found a homemade wooden trap.....took out apple bait and threw it into thickets.

Afternoon went to Lake Street in Acushnet to look for Bill's jacket and saw a flock of bluebirds. Also large flock of gulls on lake.

January 6

Nasketucket Bird Club count--Mike LaBossiere, Pam Perry and me (the crazy rainsoaked team)

Saturday, January 6 -- Several "intrepid????" birders split up into two teams and scoured some of the conservation areas in Mattapoisett. These included the Munn Property, Nasketucket State Reservation, Eel Pond, the Martocci Property and the landfill.

One team stayed dry and had lots of coffee, the other team,, led by Pres. Mike, got drenched.

This is the day's tally:

(Note: this does not include the Atlantic Puffin reported by the supposedly "dry" team)

Great Blue Heron 1, Canada Goose 65, Black Duck 2, Mallard 5, Surf Scoter 19, Common Goldeneye 15, Bufflehead 25, Hooded Merganser 1, Red-br. Merganser 10, Northern Harrier 2, Ring-billed gull 23, Black-backed gull 2, Mourning Dove 8, Kingfisher 2,
Red-bellied Woodpecker 3, Downy 4, Hairy 2, Northern Flicker 1, Blue Jay 6, Crow 1, Chickadee 21, Titmouse 16, WB Nuthatch 2, Carolina Wren 3,Golden -crown Kinglet 6, RUBY-CROWN KINGLET 1,Herring Gull 22,HERMIT THRUSH 2,Robin 59,Catbird 2,Mockingbird, 1,Yellow-rump Warbler 3,YELLOW BREASTED CHAT 1,Cardinal 11,Tree Sparrow 1,Song Sparrow 6, White throat 14, Dark-eyed junco 43, Redwing Blackbird 3, House Finch 1, Goldfinch 10, House Sparrow 9

January 3

Hacker Street at lunchtime-- gulls and black ducks
sunny, cold (40s) and very windy

January 2

went back to soccer field and Snow Goose was still there
low 50s and sunny

Sunday, January 7, 2007

January 1, 2007

Pouring rain but warm New Year's Day. Went to soccer fields and saw flock of Canada Geese. White lump in the middle stood up and was a Snow Goose