Sunday, February 25, 2007

February 25, 2007

Temps got up into high 30s. Still some ice...enough to skate on Mill Road pond.

Long Road had only a few of the regulars since there was a man and boy with 2 rambunctious dogs. I got dog snot all over my jacket and mittens.

At Mill Road lots of activity. Brown Creeper, lots of Chickadees and Titmice calling and threatening each other. A Chickadee kept going after a Golden-crowned Kinglet who was hawking and hovering since there were some bugs in the air. It also started a row with a Yellow-rumped Warbler. Crows, Flicker, Downy, Mallard, Black Duck.

YMCA railroad bridge. Mute Swans, Hooded Mergansers, Red-breasted Mergansers, Common Goldeneyes, Canada Geese. Heard Belted Kingfisher. Gulls.

February 24, 2007

Went with Lloyd Center on seal watch to Penikese. Bitterly cold and windy. Couldn't get close enough to seals for pictures unlike last year. But saw different places on the island too.

Monday, February 19, 2007

February 19, 2007

Bitterly cold with strong winds, but sunny.

Went to Weeden Road and walked around the bike path. Saw lots of ducks, mostly Mallards and Black Ducks, but about 6 female Hooded Mergansers and one male.

Then went to Mill Road. Just a few starlings.

Walked around Tinkham Pond a little...just Mallards.

After lunch spent 3 hours with Bill looking for eagles in Lakeville and Middleboro. Went to Tamarack, the Assawompsett School, the causeway near Island Terrace. Then at the causeway near the waterworks walked into the woods about 10 minutes and spotted the eagles far off. Drove to the intersection and walked about half an hour and crossed the causeway in the woods to an island. Finally saw two adult eagles putting on a display.

Pictures here

Sunday, February 18, 2007

February 18, 2007

Spent several hours at Long Road, exploring paths that will be too muddy in a few weeks. Lots of chickadees and nuthatches. Saw a WB nuthatch giving a tidbit to another. Very cute. Spring is almost here.
Mill Road ... large flock of Starlings, Robins, Juncos, and one RW Blackbird.
End of bike path. Red-shouldered Hawk, RB Woodpecker.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

February 17, 2007

At Shaw Road after work at 3 saw the flock of Canada Geese with White-fronted Goose. 3 cars of birders at the scene and a couple other cars looking in other fields.
Pictures here

At bike path, Red-tailed Hawk, lots of Doves

Went to Mill Road. Yellow-rumped Warbler walking around on the ice. Trees full of Starlings. Some Song Sparrows. Some Robins.

Friday, February 16, 2007

February 16, 2007

Went to soccer fields at lunchtime. Frigid and windy. Saw one Robin, one Starling, one Song Sparrow, one Great Blue Heron, six Mallards and one Herring Gull bathing in an ice-free section of the cow pond.

Nothing at Shaw Road.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

February 14, 2007

Nor'easter, but changed to rain. Very slushy. Had the day off. Bill and I went to Assawompsett area but no eagle.

Lots of backyard birds.

Monday, February 12, 2007

February 12, 2007

Went to Long Road at lunch. Two Song Sparrows, five Robins and 2 Red-tailed Hawks.

Bill went alone to Quitticas and put out a road killed Mallard on the ice. A Bald Eagle was interested, but saw Bill and didn't come down for it.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

February 11, 2007

Went to Tamarack and hung around for about an hour--no eagles.....only one Common Merganser and a lot of Great Black-backed Gulls and one Mute Swan.
Went to Mill Road. A LOT of Canada Geese in the soccer fields.
Backyard birds. Only one or two Robins in the bath all day so the flock must have moved on. Flicker and downy on suet. Carolina Wren. Half dozen cardinals. Usual jays, juncos, white-throated sparrows. House Sparrows. Starlings bathing. Goldfinch on every perch. Bill told me he saw a blind House Finch yesterday.
Around 3 went back with Bill to Lakeville walked through brush and sat to watch 3 Bald Eagles and at least 2 Red-tailed Hawks. Hawks seemed to be courting.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

February 10

Did Winsegansett and Town Beach. Very cold, but not much wind.
Saw one Pipit at Winsegansett.

Lots of Eider at Town Beach. Heard hunters playing a tape of crow in distress. Three real crows rushed to its aid, and were met with a volley of gunfire. One crow dropped. Guess they can hunt the uneatable innocuous intelligent birds on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Made me sick....and hunters are always claiming they don't kill for the thrill.

In Matt at the RR Bridge there were tons of Canada Geese--two flocks flew over at right angles and intersected each other flawlessly and without a single bump. Saw Hooded Mergansers, Common Goldeneye and Great Black-backed Gulls. Heard a Kingfisher. At the Matt. River on River Road there was a female Bufflehead with the Mallards

At home the yard was mobbed and just as I settled down to watch, the Cooper's Hawk swooped down and took a male Cardinal into the rhododendron. It was hard to see, but I watched it kill and pluck the bird then hop to a branch to eat it. Took a couple hours before it finally left. Didn't even leave the beak and feet!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

February 7

Shaw Road at lunchtime. Bitter cold but not windy, sunny. Had clam chowder in the car and then saw 2 Northern Harriers dancing in the sky. Saw about a dozen Eastern Meadowlarks. Pictures on

February 5 and 6

Robins stripping the holly tree. Also in the yard, Flicker, Red-bellied and Downy Woodpeckers, WT Sparrows, Carolina Wrens, Cardinals, Blue Jays, Mourning Doves, Starlings, HOSPs, Cowbirds, Cooper's Hawk.

February 3

Went to Long Road and saw a Rusty Blackbird as well as lots of Robins. Some crows were mobbing a hawk

January 27

Went to Nantucket. Didn't see the Glaucous Gull, but saw the usual birds. On the boat saw lots of Black, White-winged, and especially Surf Scoters, Long-tailed Ducks, Buffleheads, Red-breasted Mergansers.
Saw one Dunlin at the beach