Sunday, February 11, 2007

February 11, 2007

Went to Tamarack and hung around for about an hour--no eagles.....only one Common Merganser and a lot of Great Black-backed Gulls and one Mute Swan.
Went to Mill Road. A LOT of Canada Geese in the soccer fields.
Backyard birds. Only one or two Robins in the bath all day so the flock must have moved on. Flicker and downy on suet. Carolina Wren. Half dozen cardinals. Usual jays, juncos, white-throated sparrows. House Sparrows. Starlings bathing. Goldfinch on every perch. Bill told me he saw a blind House Finch yesterday.
Around 3 went back with Bill to Lakeville walked through brush and sat to watch 3 Bald Eagles and at least 2 Red-tailed Hawks. Hawks seemed to be courting.

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