Sunday, February 25, 2007

February 25, 2007

Temps got up into high 30s. Still some ice...enough to skate on Mill Road pond.

Long Road had only a few of the regulars since there was a man and boy with 2 rambunctious dogs. I got dog snot all over my jacket and mittens.

At Mill Road lots of activity. Brown Creeper, lots of Chickadees and Titmice calling and threatening each other. A Chickadee kept going after a Golden-crowned Kinglet who was hawking and hovering since there were some bugs in the air. It also started a row with a Yellow-rumped Warbler. Crows, Flicker, Downy, Mallard, Black Duck.

YMCA railroad bridge. Mute Swans, Hooded Mergansers, Red-breasted Mergansers, Common Goldeneyes, Canada Geese. Heard Belted Kingfisher. Gulls.

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